In English after this short Swedish introduction.
Dr. Lena Ohlson om virusutgjutelsegrejen, "virus shedding".
Svensk originalversion av e-post inledningen sänd Fri, 30 Apr 2021 14:33:13 +0200:
Jag är inte alls övertygad om att det är feromonliknande överföring och respons, däremot tror jag att det kan vara som jag berättade om i det dokument jag satt ihop och skickade dig Leif. Jag tror att det är överföring genom mRNA/DNA i "vaccinen" integreras i cellen (ev i genomet för DNA) och börjar "sända" ut en frekvens genom auran som dessutom då påverkar auran hos de runtomkring.
Lösningen på det är att ha starkare aura/"frekvens" så man inte påverkas, dvs att äta, sova, leva "fear free" och även avskärma sig från 5G och annan strålning (vi använder vissa stenar och kristaller i fickorna för att stärka vår egen aura och inte bli påverkade när vi träffar vaxade). Info jag fått i mina kanaliseringar antyder att det finns dolda bärvågor i de flesta sändningar nuförtiden som "ger oss" Corona (c-19)symptom och även kan mutera befintliga "vanliga" coronavirus till att i värsta fall mutera till c-19. Det skulle kunna förklara varför smitta spontant verkar ha uppkommit på flera platser.
Lena Ohlson
Med. Dr Molekylär toxikologi
BSc Molekylärbiologi Biokemi
BMA klinisk kemi
Född healer och medial med flera "annorlunda" förmågor.
Dr. Lena Ohlson on the shedding thing.
English translation of the above e-mail introduction sent Fri, 30 Apr 2021 14:33:13 +0200:
I am not at all convinced that it is pheromone-like transmission and response, however, I think it may be as I told you in the document I put together and sent you Leif. I think it is transmission by mRNA/DNA in the "vaccine" being integrated into the cell (possibly in the genome of the DNA) and starting to "transmit" a frequency through the aura which also then affects the aura of those around it.
The solution to that is to have stronger aura/"frequency" so you are not affected, i.e. eating, sleeping, living "fear free" and also shielding yourself from 5G and other radiation (we use certain stones and crystals in our pockets to strengthen our own aura and not be affected when we hit waxed ones). Info I got in my channelings suggests that there are hidden carrier waves in most broadcasts nowadays that "give us" Corona (c-19) symptoms and also can mutate existing "normal" corona viruses to mutate to c-19 in the worst case. That could explain why infection seems to have spontaneously appeared in several places.
Lena Ohlson
Med. Dr Molecular Toxicology
BSc Molecular Biology Biochemistry
BMA Clinical Chemistry
Born healer and medium with several "different" abilities.
The document she put together
is attached [PDF], and also it's text is included below. Dr. Lena Ohlson here have important insights. I was given this document on 2021-04-28 15:08:19 +0200.
Regarding what you shared Mary about "shredding". I was thinking about the young women that have NOT been vaccinated and get severe symptoms of different kind...maybe 5G is partly responsible? I feel this more than I have evidence, but what Dr Northrup is talking about (the feromones) doesn´t quite explain what is going on I think. It would be very interesting to see in what countries this is happening because in Sweden there is no talk whatsoever about these kind of symptoms or effects from being around vaccinated people. Might it be a combination of vaccine and/or 5G?
I also connect this to something I remember I heard sometime between 2005-10. It was GMOexperiments on soybeans and RoundUp (the weed killer that was forbidden later) in South America, I think it was Brazil. A friend of mine that had very deep connections with scientists all over the world told me they had modified a soybean to resist RoundUp. They planted a whole field with it in an isolated part of the country and then sprayed with RoundUp to kill all weed. The experiment was successful but then things started to happen. The "insert" they had put into the soybean genome in the GMO experiment started to show up in crop and plants outside the experiment field. The panicked and tried to quiet it down. They put concrete over the whole lot to stop the gene from spreading. I found this when I tried to find any info on this experiment and this
But no talk about the "jumping" gene in the RoundUp ready soybeans. Well, could this be what is happening with these women, "jumping" gene? Could the "template" of the gene be transferred via our electromagnetic body and aura??? In research we sometimes put a part of a gene (an oligo) we want to use in experiments into an E.Coli bacteria. The bacteria will multiply and the DNA part too and then some of this bacteria is frozen with the inserted DNA to use later, and some of it is harvested and the DNA part cut out with enzymes. What is also commonly known is that while in the freezer the bacteria can "spit out" the inserted DNA and sometimes the "lose" DNA can become reinserted in a different part of the bacteria which means you need another type of enzyme to cut it out.
Or, it might be something else, something more quantum-like? Lot of experiments not talked of have proven there is a template of the DNA existing in a test tube after it´s been removed. And then when the tube is filled with liquid and amino acids they immediately form a copy of the DNA that was there before. Might this also be the "answer" to the soybean GMO experiment?
So, now I´m also wondering if these poor people have gotten a "transplantation-reaction" towards the injected/in cells incorporated foreign RNA and in the case of the Astra Zeneca vaccine foreign DNA when the infected host cells starts to express the nonhuman proteins on their surface? Old memories from when I worked at the Huddinge University Hospital, at the time one of the leading research hospitals in the world in the transplant/immunology area back in the 80-ies and beginning of the 90-ies, are becoming clear.
I´ve seen a lot of these GvHD (Graft versus Host Disease) injuries during first my 5 years at the clinical chemistry lab and then my 6 years at the immunology lab/transplant research lab. It´s THE main reason I early on decided not to get anything transplanted and not to donate any organ or cells in case of my death.
When they put together this "virus like" RNA and DNA I think they missed a vital part of what virus RNA must have - a sequence in their RNA that is telling our bodies to take it easy and not over react because if the host die the virus dies with it!! And as for the AZ DNA "vaccine"- well how can ANYBODY insert foreign DNA into humans, to get incorporated into their cell nuclei where their own DNA is hiding for protection, and think this is OK and will end well?
I worked 5 years at the research immunology lab running different patient samples in transplant screening tests and I also assisted in applying the then new method PCR to the lab methods for quick screening. I´ve with horror read and listened to uneducated "experts", politicians and other people describing this as a safe method in discovering people with the covid virus. Knowing how extremely sensitive this method is and that you can get a false positive answer if you run to many cycles or have a small contamination, either when you take the sample (and almost all people taking this swab test is taking that in the same place where a lot of contamination of this covid virus is) or in the lab place. It´s a huge difference on taking a blood sample in a hermetically sealed test tube, prepare the DNA sample in a clean lab environment and run the PCR compared to taking cotton swab in a contaminated area.
Also, to know what you are looking for and that the template you use is unique to the virus you look for is also extremely critical. There was a loooot of testing and research going into development of this method and it is not optimal to use it as a means to mass test to screen out people without symptoms (probably very low virus level if any = very big risk of contamination and false positive result) that might be hosts of this virus.
And I want to say, my time as a PhD student in molecular toxicology AND my well-earned title as PhD after presenting my thesis, makes me well educated and entitled to be taken serious and not called "tin foil hat" by less educated "experts" and people writing articles, giving speeches about how wonderful this vaccine is and how we put others in danger if we don´t line up as animals to slaughter to get the jab. I recently got a letter with two pre appointed occasions for the vaccine shot and to make a cancellation I was forced to state WHY I refuse the jab. I wrote all the spaces I had at my disposal and told them my knowledge and background and I don´t want it.
So my 30+ years in the "health- and science field" and not working in any of these now, makes me able to go public and tell that this is NOT for the good of the human race. May the Creator/God have mercy on us all because we certainly need help.
Dr Lena Ohlson