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Information Clearing House:
“Star Wars in Iraq” is a new investigative report by Maurizio Torrealta and Sigfrido Ranucci.
RAI 24 News - Run Time 25 Minutes
According to official Pentagon sources, military vehicles equipped with this laser device have been used in Afghanistan to explode mines. According to two reliable military information sites – Defense Tech and Defence Industry Daily - at least three such vehicles are being used in Iraq as well and some people report having seen them.
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Patrick Dillon Experimental weapons?
Majid Al Ghezali Yes… Yes, I think. They shoot the bus. We saw the bus like a cloth, like a wet cloth. It seemed like a Volkswagen, a big bus like a Volkswagen.
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There were other inexplicable aspects: the terrain where the battle took place was dug up by the American military and replaced with other fresh earth; the bodies that were not hit by projectiles had shrunk to just slightly more than one meter in height.
Majid Al Ghezali Except the ones killed by the bullets, most of them became very small. I mean… like that… Something like that.
When we asked Majid what weapon he imagined had been used, he said that he had reached the conclusion that it must have been a laser weapon.
Majid Al Ghezali One year later we heard that they used an update technology, a unique one, like lasers.
We found another disturbing document on the use of mysterious weapons in Iraq, which referred to episodes that took place almost at the same time as those described by Majid al Ghezali.
Saad al Falluji They were 26 in the bus. About 20 of them had no head, the head had been cut, some of them had no arms or no legs. The only unwounded was the driver and really I don’t know how he reach our hospital, because one arm was on his side, one head just beside him. It was a very strange and horrible situation. In the roof of the car there were parts of the body: intestines, brains, all parts of the body. It was a very very very miserable situation.
Geert Van Moorter (medical doctor working in Iraq during and after the war, as a volunteer for the belgiam NGO Medical Aid fot the Third World) Do you have idea with what kind of weapon the attacked the bus?
Saad al Falluji We don’t know with what kind of weapon they hit this bus.
Doctor n°2 It seems to be a new weapon
Saad al Falluji Yes, a new weapon
Doctor n°2 They are trying to do experiments on our civilians. Nobody could identify the type of this weapon.
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ängel svävar över dessa virvlar och leder denna storm». Jag tänker att jag inte vill ha något att göra med Bushs ängel - och att då detta var ett förberett tal så är det knappast en slump att han sa så där. Det kan vara klokt att försöka förstå EXAKT vad det är han föreställer sig...
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