För att befria sig måste tänkandet befrias, annars är vi våra egna fångvaktare. Konspirationer förklarar inte varför vi inte själva kan befria oss. Ola Alexander Frisk har nyckeln, om vi är många som förstår den. Då kan vi gemensamt ta oss ur det mentala fängelset. Säger bara det. http://hyperdialog.tk/ . OAF tar oss förbi Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) och Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). (JeanPaul Sartre (1905-1980) omvandlade Heidegger.) Heidegger sa i en Der Spiegel intervju 1976 att han inte kunde hjälpa oss. Varför vet vi ju inte, kanske han helt enkelt inte kände att han kunde avslöja det OAF avslöjar, kanske att det var för tidigt då.
"It all sums up to that the European Convention on Human Rights and the The European Court of Human Rights are sinister jokes made to prop up the propaganda machinery for the élite of the state(s). What is called freedom of expression is a way to transform outright dictatorship to cuddly democracy. Accordingly, the REAL but hidden content of the first line of article 10 in the European Convention on Human Rights is:
Everyone has the right to an empty freedom of expression as long as this freedom doesn't threaten the established rules.
Even if you probably got my message I will not miss the opportunity to say it once more. The 'elite of the state train the people to accept that there is a mystical concept called moral that protect them - but it is in fact only an empty concept that they élite of the state can use as they want. And this is the practical use of what Rousseau calls civil religion. Morals, or moral, is a concept that is manufactured by the Church in order to launch and maintain a static worldview according to Plato's recipe in The Republic. Or to make it very simple. They say that morals are essential: OK, ask them what it is. And do not accept silence as an answer. Have great fun!
Conclusion And The Next Step
What is deeply worrying is that the The European Court of Human Rights has the highest status of many courts in at least the 47 member states of the Council of Europe. This means in practice that when The European Court of Human Rights use hidden religious arguments in their decisions it will directly influence the practice of law in many nations. This time it was about the naked rambler the next time is about anything else that does not fit the élite of the states(s).
One perspective to understand the total situation is that our system of today is built on the assumption that the present form of democracy is perfect. And that includes that ideas and suggestions from the people are managed by a bureaucratic process or a controlled political process. However, it is today evident that the political élite are only interested in questions that they prefer. This means that the people's ability to actually have a voice is eliminated." (Ola Alexander Frisk,
This Is How The State Fucks Your Mind,
Men läs hela hans texter. Det behövs en ny gemenskap, men som han konstaterar i ett mejl till mig, fet problemet är dock att det är just den processen - att skapa en ny gemenskap - som folket är lurade att inte förstå nyttan av .. osv osv. Detta efter att ha konstaterat att just nu finns det ingen sådan gemenskap - men däremot en grund att bygga en sådan gemenskap på. Där sådan gemenskap är en sådan som öppet deklarerar vad de är för och emot, och genom detta kan skapa "A Water Shed Moment", "A Tipping Point Event". Ngt. som skapar "An Avalance Effect", som kan öppna upp för ett autentiskt samhälle, till skillnad från det förljugna vi lever under.
"One step to make the current traditions less harmful and a path to real reforms can be to actively protect civil disobedience in the law."
"One step to make the current traditions less harmful and a path to real reforms can be to actively protect civil disobedience in the law. This means also that participants in actions of civil disobedience must fulfill requirements of, for example proportionality or that the acts are in balance of the objective and so on. From a historic point of view, it is very easy to show that actions of civil disobedience has been a major force to develop the Western society. Read for example, about the Mass trespass of Kinder Scout. Here is a good article The Kinder Scout trespass: 80 years on, The anniversary of the direct action that marked the beginning of the righttoroam movement is still an occasion for celebration, Eric Allison, The Guardian, 17 April 2012. And it is always good to remember Rosa Parks (1913-2005) and what she - one single human - achieved by one simple rejection of established traditions and rules.
One possible way to reach a solution is simply to occupy the The European Court of Human Rights and not leave until the laws are changed." (Ola Alexander Frisk, This Is How The State Fucks Your Mind, 44. THE BANKERS AND THE NAKED RAMBLER EXPOSE THE ILLUSION, i slutet av kapitlet.)
— LegeNet Holistisk detektivbyrå