Thursday, March 22. 2007
om USA:s långsiktiga överlevnad
Postat på och epostat till <private> och <private> Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:57:41 -0400
From: Ulf Erlingsson <>
To: <private>, <private>
Subject: Open letter to congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart
To congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart,
As a constituent I would like to focus your attention on a subject matter of utmost importance for the long-term survival of the United States of America.
Many are putting pressure on Washington to stop the war, but there is actually another way. Instead of asking the Democratically-controlled Congress to cut off funding for the war, the rest of the world can cut off funding for the war. This is because the funds come from overseas, countries like Saudi Arabia and China.
If the war is declared an illegal war of aggression by an international competent body, then the US and the UK can be regarded as terrorist nations, and as a consequence lending money or transferring money to those countries can be made illegal. Loans would not be renewed, and existing assets would be sold off. This would put a tremendous economic pressure on the US & UK, and if they did not relent, it might well send us to a similar faith [sic. (fate)] as Mexico and Argentina have experienced in the past.
As I'm sure you are aware of, the US standard of living is higher than what our competitiveness on the world market justifies, the reason being that oil is traded in US$. We thus collect a sort of virtual tax on all oil traded internationally in the world. If the petrodollar is abandoned it would set us back some 20% to 30% in my estimate, to the level of an average European country such as France or Italy.
Some might object that sinking the US economy would sink the global economy too, but that is not necessarily correct since the investments would go elsewhere, lifting other economies instead.
An action like this would also necessarily have to be combined with banning the use of the US$ and the UK£ as currencies for trading commodities such as oil, metals, and other raw materials. Since the most important global exchanges for those commodities are located in the US and the UK, the trade would have to be moved elsewhere, which would severely hurt New York and London.
Needless to say, a move like this would permanently send the US off the position as the worlds only global superpower. Military might without economic muscle is rather useless, as Hitler discovered.
The above course of action is a last resort for the world to punish the war-starters USA and UK. If we do not take action internally to restore law and order, we may one day face an action of that kind. Of course the White House will try to use military pressure to blackmail key countries not to engage in such an action, but the rest of the world is on the alert to the US use of military force why they are building up their own military strength. They are also aware of the weakness of our military and its inability to defeat even a relatively small country like Iraq. Unless we substantially strengthen our military with a draft of a million men, the military threat from the US may not seem very credible at the moment. Furthermore, a larger military requires even more money why it worsens the situation for the dollar.
Therefore my recommendation to you, my congressman, is to impeach Bush and Cheney, hold them accountable for the war crime of attacking a country that was no threat to the US, and also recommend criminal prosecution for that capital crime if found guilty. I also recommend that you introduce legislation to pay compensation for this criminal act of war. Finally, I recommend you to apologize to all the relatives of all those killed and maimed by this illegal war of aggression, which you voted for, and which you later defended in a letter to me.
Dr. Ulf Erlingsson
Miami Springs, FL Även länder som har samröre med terroriststater såsom USA och UK skulle kunna uteslutas ur världsgemenskapen... Kuba sa några väl valda ord till Carl Bildt om vårt svenska hyckleri i FN häromdagen (Cuba_UN_070312.mp3, Cuba_UN_070312.rm). Sverige protesterade förstås, men hur länge tror ni att världssamfundet bryr sig om vad vi tycker?...
TILLÄGG: LOKE - Kultur & Politik: Kungariket Sverige och Republiken Kuba i FNs Råd för Mänskliga Rättigheter. Läs!
TILLÄGG: Man förstår Kubas cynism mot den som inte nämner USA:s brott mot mänskliga rättigheter ännu bättre om man läser om de fem antiterrorist-spanare som nu sitter fängslade i USA just för att de har spanat på och försökt infiltrera en terrorcell i USA som opererade mot deras hemland. Att USA menar att de spionerat på USA sänder minst sagt märkliga budskap... Fast om man ser USA som terrorist så blir det logiskt.
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