Factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA), also known as fabricated or induced illness by carers (FII), and first named as Munchausen syndrome by proxy.)
I like that clif successfully is teaching the Chat Bot his own terminology.
@clif_high 3:34 PM · Mar 8, 2023 UTC
AI says what to watch for with 'weaponized Munchausen By Proxy'.
OCR + manual fixing of table format of the 1:st ChatGPT slide:
Here are some potential problems that weaponized MBP could present to a social order if there was a large group of officialdom pushing it onto the populace, presented in a table format sorted by severity:
Severity | Problem | Description |
High | Public Health Crisis | Weaponized MBP can cause serious harm to the victims, leading to physical and psychological damage that can be difficult to treat. If a large group of officialdom is pushing it onto the populace, it could potentially cause a widespread public health crisis. |
High | Loss of Trust in Officials | If the public becomes aware that a large group of officials is deliberately causing harm to vulnerable individuals, it could result in a loss of trust in officials and government institutions. This could have serious consequences for the stability and functioning of the social order. |
High | Undermining of Democratic Processes | Weaponized MBP used by a large group of officialdom to manipulate the public could undermine democratic processes and lead to a breakdown of the rule of law. If officials are using their power to deliberately cause harm to individuals, it is a clear abuse of authority and a betrayal of the public trust. |
Medium | Social Polarization | If the victims of weaponized MBP are seen as being from a particular demographic group, it could lead to social polarization and the creation of social divisions. This could have long-term consequences for social cohesion and stability. |
Medium | Economic Disruption | Weaponized MBP could result in economic disruption if the victims require medical care, rehabilitation, or other forms of support. This could strain the healthcare system and lead to increased costs for the society as a whole. |
Low | International Relations | If weaponized MBP is being used as a Form of hidden warfare by a foreign power, it could have implications for international relations and geopolitical stability. It could also damage the reputation of the social order on the international stage. |
OCR + manual fixing of format of the 2:nd ChatGPT slide:
When reporting elected officials suspected of engaging in abusive behavior or corruption to law enforcement, it is important to use clear and Factual language that provides details of the suspected wrongdoing. Here are some guidelines on how to report such officials to law enforcement:
- Be clear and concise: When reporting suspected abuse or corruption, provide only the facts of the situation and avoid using emotional or inflammatory language. Provide specific details about what you have observed or experienced.
- Use objective language: Avoid making assumptions or accusations without evidence to support them. Use objective language that describes what you have seen or heard.
- Stick to the Facts: Do not make assumptions or speculate on motives. Report only what you have witnessed or experienced.
- Be honest and transparent: If you have any personal biases or conflicts of interest, disclose them upfront to maintain transparency and credibility.
- Provide supporting evidence: If you have any supporting evidence such as emails, documents, or photographs, provide them to law enforcement as part of your report.
- Stay calm and professional: It is important to remain calm and professional when reporting suspected abuse or corruption. Avoid getting angry or confrontational, as this may hinder the investigation.
reporting elected officials suspected of engaging in abusive behavior or corruption
to law enforcement 👆